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Tuning the Nerve SystemHave you ever watched a good guitarist tuning his guitar? He picks up his instrument, and starts to play. Then he screws up his nose because he hears a “bung” note (that no-one else heard). Next thing you know he has stopped playing and is crouched down listening intently to one string as he gently and gradually adjusts the tuning peg. Then he carries on as if nothing happened. If you’ve seen a guitarist lately, you may even have noticed him pull out a little electric gizmo that he plugs his guitar into, which actually tells him when he’s found the right note!

So, what is he doing while he is winding or unwinding that small peg on the end of the guitar string? The amount of tension in the guitar string determines the note and hence the tune that plays when you pluck the string.

The skill of the musician is to be able to tune the guitar to make a beautiful noise.

Now try to imagine a funny looking guitar: This one has pegs at both ends of the string, so that you could change the tension in the string from either end of the guitar. There is also an extra peg right at the tip of the neck of the guitar which can also change the tension of all the strings.

What we have just described to you is an analogy for the relationship between your spinal column and your spinal cord. The “pegs” on the guitar are represented by small ligaments which actually hang the spinal cord within the spinal canal. These ligaments are few in number (about half a dozen at both ends of the spine), and only attach between specific vertebrae, and corresponding sections of the spinal cord (central nervous system).

When a specific command travels down the spinal cord from the brain to the body, or when sensory information is being transmitted back up the spinal cord to the brain; there is a “flash” of “electricity” that carries the messages. Quick body responses and sensory perceptions result.

At the same time though, there is also a low-grade “wave” of radio frequency traveling up and down your spinal cord that determines the “mood” or “tone” of your central nervous system. This affects your level of consciousness and awareness, your mood, and the slower metabolic and hormonal functions of your body.

Adjustments aim to remove any blockages to the fast acting messages traveling up and down the spinal cord; and at the same time rebalance the overall frequency at which the nervous system is operating.

Scientifically speaking, your spinal cord is a thick string of pizo-electric gel (electricity conducting jelly). The frequency it is working at is determined by the amount of tension and/or torsion being placed at either end of the “string”. Just like the guitar string, the tightness of the cord determines the tune that is being played.

Chiropractic Nervous SystemTRT differs from many of the other chiropractic techniques in that it focuses a lot of attention to the “tuning pegs”: The strategic and vital connection points between the spinal cord and spinal column. As we gently and methodically adjust these areas of your “guitar string” (spinal cord), we are changing the degree of tension in the central nervous system in an effort to change the notes that result.

Hence, the skill of the Chiropractor is to be able to tune your spinal cord to find some more beautiful notes. That is, a better level of tension.

When many people get up straight after an adjustment, they comment on how their vision seems clearer, the light or view seems sharper, their head feels lighter, there body feels looser etc. These are all reflections of your central nervous system now operating at a better frequency. The Integrator is the high-tech tool that we use to tune your nervous system.


If you are developing problems in your back bone, you may be developing more than neck and back pain, bodily aches and pains, and headaches: you may also be developing internal health problems.

By correcting the back problems not only will your neck and back pains improve, your general health should also improve.

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Torque Release Technique (TRT) is the first Chiropractic Technique to be created through a rigorous scientific research and development process. TRT aims to improve health and wellbeing by improving Nervous System function via specific Adjustment of Primary Subluxations. TRT is an extremely gentle chiropractic method and has been published in major Medical and Chiropractic Journals and featured on the Discovery Health Channel.

© Dr Nick Hodgson 2008

2005 Victorian Chiropractor of The Year, Australasian TRT Training Provider, Fellow Holder Research Institute.

 Visit Nick's other web site at www.superhealthy.com.au